Cosmic Coffee Recipe - Say YES to Adaptogens!

Level up your morning drink routine with our delicious and nutritious Cosmic Coffee recipe — a mushroom tea and Colostrum-infused coffee packed with adaptogens to balance your caffeine boost, and immune-modulating substances to keep your immune system running optimally, as we transition from summer to autumn. 

This is the perfect drink to keep you energized and satiated when you’re on the go and don’t have time to get a meal in. With quality cacao paste and maple syrup, this drink is mineral rich and tastes just like a cappuccino!


2 liters Herbal Tea (We recommend Chaga, Pau D’arco or Reishi!)
3 cups Freshly Brewed Dark Roast Coffee
2 tbsp Cacao Paste
1/4 cup Surthrival Colostrum powder
1/2 cup Raw Cream
2-3 tbsp Maple syrup



 Brew coffee using herbal tea as the base (use hot-brewed or cold-brewed coffee and tea depending on your preference!). Blend all ingredients until frothy. 

Pour, Sip, Enjoy!

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